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G'Day, how ya goin
Meet Paul Chambers as he gives you a quick tour of the plantation.
Looking for a specific plant or plant information?
Meet Paul Chambers as he gives you a quick tour of the plantation.
An Australia Day Celebration. Supporting the Australia Koala Foundation. Open House Plant Sale • Saturday, January 28th 8am to 2pm at the Australian Outback Plantation
Some of the racing teams we sponsor
AJ Hernandez Racing - Eddie Knox Racing - Benny Grice Racing - AJ Miller Racing - David Crabtree Racing
Bushranger Kart Racing
Open House Plant Sale - Saturday, March 8th, 2025. Walk-about in our Hummingbird Sanctuary Eremophila emu bush garden. Eremophilas are blooming and the hummingbirds are arriving in their winter migratory home. Take a seat… take pictures as they buzz by your head.