Our Plant List — Australian Outback Plants - Native Plant Nursery - USA


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EUCALYPTUS Victrix - Coolibah

Small to medium tree, 25’-35’. Attractive white trunk; weeping foliage. Small clusters of white flowers summer-fall.
Quick growing, tough desert plant. Withstands high winds, low water use, salt tolerant. Similar to Eucalyptus microtheca except for the trunk colour.

EUCALYPTUS Erythrocory - Red Cap Gum

Quick growing with compact habit, growing to 25' high and 12' wide. Lush shiny, long green leaves, full, dense foliage. Attractive bright red caps pop open to bright yellow flower clusters in mid-summer.

ACACIA Stenophylla - Shoestring Acacia

Attractive, hardy, weeping tree 30' tall and 15' wide. Lemon blossoms in spring. Excellent median specimen. Ornamental foliage makes this specimen worthwhile for use in large gardens and parks
as shade and shelter trees. Drought and cold resistant.

EUCALYPTUS - Moon Lagoon

Very attractive small to medium shrub 4-12  feet tall. Dainty grey-blue leaves circle the stems. Reddish-orange seed caps burst into masses of snow white flowers in late spring.

EUCALYPTUS Campaspe - Silver Topped Gimlet

Attractive, medium height feature tree 30" tall and 15' wide.

Greyish-white leaves, skin-like trunk.

Yellow flowers in summer.

Proven drought and cold hardy.

Quick shade.

EUCALYPTUS Leucoxylon Rosea - White Iron Bark

Medium sized woodland tree from Northern Victoria.

Long, grey-green pendulous branches.

Spear shaped leaves.

Quick to establish producing abundant pink flower clusters.